Beth Chaney, kids playing with adults

Assent-based Learning

A new video from Meaningful Milestones Clinic Director Beth Chaney sharing more information about ENRICH, our initiative to #dobetter and our commitment to improving the field of ABA.


You know, we want our clients to have a voice and we want them to know that their voice matters.

One of the first things that we implemented was assent based practice.

And so that just looks at, you know we have consent from all of our clients, guardians to provide services.

But assent is getting the clients buy in and getting their okay.

We want our clients to have a voice and we want them to know that their voice matters.

So we honor their no as much as we possibly can.

We're providing a lot of choices throughout the session where we can be flexible.

We're allowing them to make new choices or tell us no.

When we do have to kind of hold that no in place for safety reasons or maybe specific behaviors we're targeting,

we're doing that in a more compassionate manner than you may have seen in the past.

So we're not really using that extinction or planned ignoring anymore.

We may not be providing attention to the behavior but we're still recognizing that the client is there and we're not ignoring the client.
MM logo on blue background, border with various pictures

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View Meaningful Milestones videos, including monthly updates from our ENRICH Team, information about MM Programs, and videos about terms and concepts associated with ABA services by visiting our YouTube channel. Or check out our video library on this website.

Clinic Director Beth Chaney, kids playing with adults

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