Beth Chaney ENRICH Title Card

ENRICH, MM’s Initiative to Do Better

Meaningful Milestones Clinic Director Beth Chaney introduces ENRICH, our initiative to #dobetter and our commitment to improving the field of #ABA


We have a new name. 

The Do Better Initiative is now called ENRICH, 

which stands for Empowering Neurodiversity through Respect, 

Individuality, Compassion, and Humility. 

We are excited to continue learning 

and making our services even better, 

as we work together to improve the quality of life 

for our clients and their families. 

The Do Better Initiative is a national collective, 

to look at the way that we provide services to our clients, 

to take into account experiences of adults who have received ABA, 

and what they’ve been reporting have been the outcomes of that. 

Just not feeling like they were able to be 

the individuals that they were created to be. 

And so Meaningful Milestones has aligned with the Do Better Collective, 

and our Do Better Initiative, now called ENRICH 

is really focusing on making sure that we are implementing procedures 

and behavioral interventions that respect our clients’ rights, 

and see them as humans, that we’re incorporating their culture 

into our programming, that they’re being treated with dignity, 

and that we’re just really being humble and compassionate 

in the care and services that we’re providing.

MM logo on blue background, border with various pictures

Learn More

View Meaningful Milestones videos, including monthly updates from our ENRICH Team, information about MM Programs, and videos about terms and concepts associated with ABA services by visiting our YouTube channel. Or check out our video library on this website.

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